Registration for the training for education specialists, internationalization wizards and policy experts is opened!
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Learn from and with each other in this training for teacher support staff!
Do you have an active role supporting or facilitating within setting up a VIS project? Do you enjoy helping teachers from your organization set up a VIS project? And would you like to develop skills to enrich education with an international element? If so, you will fit right in with this training!
This training consists of three online sessions, each lasting three hours, in which you will become familiar with virtual international collaboration. During the sessions you will actively work with different methods. There is plenty of room for exchanging experiences so you learn a lot from each other. There are knowledge interludes in which you will, for example, learn more about online pedagogy, international education and stakeholder management, based on scientific research and practical examples. You are given a variety of activities and resources that you can utilize later on to assist teachers with configuring their VIS project.
‘I found the alternation between theory and practice very pleasant and instructive. Didactically it was strong.’
During the first session you become familiar with virtual learning. On the basis of case studies, you will get to work with the theme so that you quickly learn to apply it within your own context. Several inspiring best practices will be shared.
The second session revolves around cultural sensitivity within online international collaborations. You will experience what it is like to make collaboration agreements in an online environment and learn about the influence culture has on education. You will then apply these insights within your own context. You will also receive a number of (design) tools that can help you design a culturally sensitive learning environment.
The last session focuses on the impact of the VIS project. You will search within your educational institution for policy statements about for example internationalization and equal opportunities and explore the overlap this has with the VIS project. You will identify who is involved in developing and rolling out the VIS project and how you can strengthen your own position in this. Again, insights from practice and science will be shared.
Would you like to further support teachers at your school with your knowledge and skills specifically applicable to your role? Sign up here for this training program! Currently only the registrations for the Dutch trainings are open, the dates for the English variant are yet to be announced.