VIS-à-VIS intervision sessions autumn 2022
The intervision sessions are intended for teachers and support staff who are involved in a VIS project. Participants can participate in the intervision after completing the training, but also if they have not followed the training. The intervision track consists of four online sessions, each session will take two hours. In these VIS-à-VIS sessions, teachers and educationalists work together on themes. The sessions will be led by a moderator (a supervisor with extensive VIS experience) and an intervision leader. The participants can discuss questions and exchange information and knowledge on topics related to the VIS projects.
You are welcome to join all the intervision sessions, but you can also attend the session(s) that you find relevant.
Intervision meeting 1: Setting up VIS: week 38 Thursday, September 22nd, 2022 at 09:00-11:00 hour
The development of a VIS project will be the central theme during this first online intervision meeting. In order to understand what a VIS project entails, a substantive introduction to this theme will be given. After this introduction, there will be time for intervision. During this session, the level of experience with VIS projects will be taken into account. This intervision will always take place in small subgroups of 5 or 6 participants.
This intervision will be conducted using the assessment method. One of the participants will introduce the procedure of the set up of their VIS-project. The purpose of this intervision is to critically reflect on a procedure and to refine it (if necessary).
The group first examines the practice of this procedure in several steps. Subsequently, the participants reflect on the application of this procedure. The professional practice of the participants is central. Finally, the usability of the procedure is examined. Participants will get a clear picture of the procedure, using this intervision method. They can exchange tips and test the practice of the procedure.
Intervision meeting 2: Implementation of VIS: week 40 Thursday, October 6th, 2022 at 09:00-11:00 hour
During the second meeting, the implementation of a VIS project is on the agenda. First the implementation and execution of a VIS project will be introduced. After this there is a time for the exchange of insights and experiences. The intervision method of learning research will be used. The aim of this method is to define challenges and link the experiences of the participants.
A challenge with the implementation of VIS, brought in by one of the participants, is jointly analyzed. After asking questions regarding this challenge, all participants try to define the problem as clearly as possible. The different problem definitions will be exchanged and underlying assumptions or approaches shared. Subsequently, all participants will share comparable experiences and approaches. Finally, an attempt is made to link these approaches to the challenge.
Intervision meeting 3: Collaborations with foreign institutions: week 44 Thursday, November 3rd, 2022 09:00-11:00 hour
The third meeting focuses on collaborations with foreign institutions. According to the standard structure, an introduction to this theme will be given. Then there is room for the intervision. This time the Bumpy Moments intervision will be used. The purpose of this is to reflect on behavior and its effects.
All participants describe in a situation they experienced as difficult. They formulate answers to the following questions:
– What situation occurred, in which an interaction took place?
– What was the effect of your action? How did others react?
– What did you do next? How did you act?
– How did this affect you? What did you think and how did you feel?
One of the participants introduces his case. After a few rounds of questions, the participants think about alternative actions. Then some thoughts will be spend on alternative reactions and outcomes. Finally, the participant reflects on the responses.
Intervision meeting 4: Embedding VIS: week 45 Thursday, November 10th, 2022 09:00-11:00 hour
The last intervision meeting focuses on embedding VIS into the organisation. First, a general introduction to this theme is offered. Possible problems and solutions from practice are discussed. Then there are two shorter intervision rounds on the program, using the problem-solving method. The aim is to exchange experiences and solutions.
One of the participants will bring in a question or problem about the embedding of VIS. The other participants can ask questions about this, in order to clarify the question or problem. All participants then formulate an advice or suggestion. The participant who introduced the question is given time to respond.
Register for one of the intervision cycles in the form below.