Call for Contributions VIS Live! 2024
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Are you working or have you worked on a VIS project as a teacher or in a supportive role? Then please share your experiences during the 3rd national VIS Live! Event organised at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht on Thursday November 7, 2024.
You are kindly invited to send in your submission via the form below (scroll down).
- Who is this Call for Contributions for: everyone involved in a VIS project (as a teacher, supporter, coordinator, researcher, etc.)
- Where: HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 15
- When: Thursday November 7, 2024: 11:00 – 17:00
- Dates for contributions:
- September 29, 2024: Deadline for submitting contributions
- October 7, 2024: Notification of acceptance
Presentation (15 min): An oral presentation followed by questions from the audience. Presentations can be given by teachers, coordinators, supportive staff and students involved in the development and/or implementation of one or more VIS projects.
Campfire session (30 min): During a campfire session you will engage with the audience in an activating manner on the basis of statements or questions about a specific topic.
Poster (continuous): A poster presentation allows you to present the VIS project(s) you carry out or support, one-on-one to interested participants. The printed poster (in A0 portrait format) will remain visible all day. Live presentation sessions will be planned in the programme.