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International cooperation in education: innovative research on milk production 

Esther Vennekens, higher education lecturer and educational developer at HAS Green Academy, takes us through her experiences of an international cooperation project in Ukraine. This VIS project, set up in cooperation with Sumy National Agrarian University (SNAU), not only provided an insightful challenge for students from both the Netherlands and Ukraine, but also highlighted the power of international cooperation in times of adversity. Despite logistical limitations due to the war in Ukraine, cooperation continued to blossom.  

Genesis and purpose of the project  

The project grew out of an existing relationship between Esther Vennekens and the professors at SNAU. Esther had already known the university and its staff well through previous visits and established strong, trusted contacts. When she approached them with the VIS project proposal, the Ukrainian partners responded with enthusiasm, despite the difficult conditions in Ukraine, such as the war. They were immediately willing to participate in the project and cooperate with the HAS.  

The aim of the project was to investigate milk production, with a specific focus on the transition period of cows. This period, just before and after calving, is essential for cow health and milk production management. Students from the Netherlands and Ukraine worked together on this research, whereby they both studied literature and visited farms to gather practical insights. Despite obstacles due to the war, the online collaboration allowed the project to go ahead. 

Cultural differences and learning experiences  

The project was not without its challenges, as one of the defining moments was the cultural difference in the educational approach. Esther noted that Ukrainian students were reluctant to communicate in the beginning. This led to limited interaction during the online sessions. However, as the project progressed, communication improved, and students began to feel more at ease. “At one point, there was more talking and then the camera went on once too”, says Esther.  

Despite the challenges, the students managed to achieve impressive results. They created educational materials that showed the cultural differences within milk production in both countries. This material is now being used to help future students better understand this important sector. 

Valuable lessons and future plans   

For Esther, the project was a special experience, especially as it was in partnership with Ukraine, a country in the middle of a conflict. “They are just in a very dangerous area”, she says, recalling a meeting in which the sounds of shells could be heard in the background.  

Still, for her, the project is an example of what international cooperation can achieve. “We did very nice things”, says Vennekens, who now hopes to spread the collected material further. Her ambition is to roll out the project into a free course, so that more people can benefit from the knowledge that has been gained. 

Inspiration for the future  

For fellow teachers, Esther has a clear advice: “Try to get room in your curriculum to carry out initiatives like VIS.” According to her, it is important to create more room for these kinds of international projects because they give students the chance to learn outside the box and gain experiences in an international context.  

The VIS project in Ukraine shows that cooperation across borders is possible, even in times of great adversity. The knowledge and experiences gained are invaluable for both students and teachers and provide an inspiring example for future collaborations.