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Community of Practice meetings

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Learn from each other in the Community of Practice (May 15, 29 and June 12)

In these sessions, you can discuss challenges in your VIS project with fellow VISsers or reflect on your previously completed VIS project.

Three sessions will be held on May 15, 29 and June 12 from 15.30 – 17.00 and are for you to: 

  • Discuss any of your challenges; 
  • Get support from peers & experts; 
  • learn from challenges and best practices shared by peers. 

We invite you to register for these three sessions. The discussions in these sessions will be guided by experts in Virtual Exchange.

  • Exchange success stories
  • Learn from each other’s mistakes
  • Spar about challenges and opportunities

They should make this mandatory for all people awarded a VIS project. Super useful to think with each other, bring in a case study of your own, and above all exchange with each other.

– Community of practice participant

What can you expect?

Session 1: The first session focuses on all the challenges you encountered while preparing, implementing and executing your VIS project. You will learn from the experiences of your peers, think with each other and help each other avoid future stumbling blocks. In a previous track, for example, we discussed clashing mutual expectations between collaborating educational institutions and the pitfalls of implementing a VIS project in the curriculum of the programme.

Session 2: Successes are there to be celebrated together. Therefore, the second session is about all the happy moments, positive learning moments and other highlights within your VIS project. We will discuss what went well within your VIS project and learn from it. Together, we will try to identify the crucial success factors so that everyone can apply them in their own project.

Session 3: The final session is completely tailored to you, the participant. During the earlier sessions, we pick up what many questions are about, and we discuss these during the final session. Question your peers about everything you’ve always wanted to know about their VIS project or tap into the knowledge of our experts.

Ready to participate and take your VIS project to the next level? Join our Community of Practice and discover the benefits for your personal and professional growth.

Practical information

  • Dates: May 15, 29 and June 12
  • Session duration: 1.5 hours
  • Registration deadline: May 14, 2024
  • Target group: You are already actively planning or implementing a VIS project. Maybe for the first time, or you have run a VIS-COIL project many times before.
  • Cost: free of charge
  • Admission: You may also join if you have already participated in a training course
  • Registration: you can register by using the form below


Learning from each other requires an open and proactive attitude:

  • You attend all three sessions
  • You share what learning questions you have when registering
  • You actively participate and ask questions
  • You are open and share your experience with others so that you can learn from each other.


Prior to each session, you are expected to think about experiences, questions or themes you want to share, discuss, or where you can use the brainpower of your peers. Otherwise, no preparation is expected.

More information

Community of Practice meetings are intended for all teachers and support staff, who are involved in a VIS project. In these meetings, under the guidance of a moderator (a supervisor with ample VIS experience) and an intervision leader, teachers and educationists work together on themes. As participants, you bring in questions and exchange information and knowledge among yourselves on topics related to VIS projects.